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Unser Game Director Scot Lane hat soeben im englischen Forum eine Nachricht zur geschlossenen Beta, und wie es die nächste Tage weitergeht, gepostet:
Hi Adventurers!
It’s been an amazing week since we started Closed Beta and we have loved watching everyone play New World! I hope you have had fun exploring and discovering some of the mysteries of Aeternum.
Thank you for your patience with initial instability in beta – as an update to our last communication, we created several test builds over the weekend and discovered the problem with the help of a few servers, so as of Monday morning Pacific Time, we have the entire service running with that updated, much more stable code. We know there are more rare crashes that can still occur, and we’re working on those as well.
We also want to thank you for all of the bugs and exploits submitted. Our highest priority has been server stability and world availability due to the demand we’ve experienced thus far. As we are starting to get more comfortable in regards to stability and availability, we are now able to pivot and focus on addressing bugs and exploits that have surfaced in Closed Beta.
We have a large number of game fixes coming in – several of which address exploits that are being used currently. We knew there would be some of these and it’s our goal to address them during the beta – we are working to fix the ones that have surfaced. After launch, our process approaching exploits will be different – they will be the highest priority items to fix and we will be taking action against accounts that are caught using identified exploits. This will include rollback or removal of any gain from those who exploited or benefited from utilizing them. We understand how vital it is to have a level playing field for all players within New World.
We are excited to continue improving New World with you!
-ScotVielen Dank, dass ihr uns dabei helft, New World zu einem großartigen Spiel zu machen. Wir sehen uns in Aeternum!
PS: Die Übersetzung des Posts folgt bald.
2 posts - 1 participant